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You're In:  'Before' Category
This section is a handful of poems written before I truly began my search in earnest. It expresses some of the personal dissatisfaction in my life that eventually caused me to seek a solution. You may see yourself on some of these pages. Pain is our friend.  It makes us uncomfortable - It makes us seek something different -- otherwise, we'd sit happily in one deluded place like morons, a million miles from the Truth and true happiness.

To View:  Scroll down and choose whether to view to poem in video form or by text form by clicking on the appropriate icon beside the title below.  Depending on which you click on, a new window will launch with either a player (courtesy of, or open a new page with the written poem.  Note: You probably won't want to click on any of the ads surrounding the player, they're by youtube  - just ignore them and close the window or click back on your browser (if a new window didn't open) when you're finished watching.





Wax Man


Garden of My Despair


The Kindest Thing


Secondhand Magic