The Table


Why must we degenerate

Everything into debate?

Why must our egos

Be desperate to prove

The few things

That we believe ourselves to know?

Why must we cut

With sterile rationality

Into the Holy Body?

What possible purpose

Is an autopsy

Performed upon Pure Light?

Does it provide any understanding?

Does it accomplish any point? -

Only in that it demonstrates our foolishness.

Does one have the capacity to understand this statement?

Not if one thought the autopsy was

A good idea in the first place:

That mind is earth-bound

And clucks in pleasant carnal anticipation

As it shuffles the deck

Anticipating the Game

Already visualizing the royal flush

Of success

Of irrefutability

Of proving it’s point

Of knowing more than the others at the Table

When the truth is

None who chose to play this game

Actually have the ability

To win.



