Miracle Zone


What we call science is the act of observing and interacting with the qualities and characteristics of the default patterns of the things which we come to be aware of.  The act of becoming aware of something (or in other words, for it to ‘come into being’) by definition requires this definition or default pattern – the very thing that allows it to be differentiated from other things.  Without these default patterns, how would we be able to tell toast from jelly?  We couldn’t, and so it is in the act of becoming observable that these things acquire a default pattern.  They must, in order for them to arise in our awareness.  Otherwise, to us, they do not exist.  Do you see this?


So, to put our faith in science may sound reassuring, but it is only putting our faith in the discerning skills of certain group of people who, by comparison and contrast, by quantifiable interaction, try and uncover these default patterns.  But default patterns are not necessarily constant, especially under certain influences.  And in addition to that, what ‘seems to be’ is always influenced by the perspective of the observer.  So it isn’t nearly as cleanly laid out as we lead ourselves to believe. It’s all so very fickle, and yet we call these observation ‘fact’, and place them upon pedestals, and implement all sorts of actions based upon what we believe that we see.


And we do this, even though we know it is fickle. You would have to keep your head in the sand to not notice the discrepancies.  Every time you turn around, a drug that was once approved as safe and effective is recalled, with ambulance chasing lawyers in hot pursuit of lawsuits galore.  What we should eat, how much exercise we should get, what kind of exercise if best for you – all these things move in and out of vogue like fashion fads, don’t they?  Even vitamins and supplements aren’t exempt.  Nor is what we believe is correct about our world and the living things and actions that fill it.  We are constantly uncovering something new, adding to or taking away from the picture.  Slanting it this way or that way based upon what we think we see, or just plain preference.


Yet, we don’t look at science this way.  We look upon it as steadfast, and accurate.  We give it a great deal of respect.  But it isn’t very steadfast, or accurate in reality – is it?  I’m not bashing science, I just want to point out that we are always revising what we think we know, aren’t we?


And so how much weight should we give to claims and assertions?   Some, that’s for sure.  But we tend to sit back, and cross our arms, quite proud of our latest revision.  But we should be sitting there, waiting for the next round of observation, shouldn’t we?  We should know that by now.  It ISN’T accurate.  And it ISN’T steadfast.  It’s always changing it’s opinion. 


And that’s fine, but we need to see this.  For example, what if you asked me how to spell ‘encyclopedia’ and I told you what I thought, and you went about using the information I had given you, but then I stopped and told you that what I had told you already was correct, but I think encyclopedia also had a ‘y’ in it.  So you take the new info, make the changes and go on your way.   Then I call you again and very excitedly  tell you again that I had made yet another new discovery:  Encyclopedia ended in an ‘a’.  And then later on that night I call you can let you know that apparently, it does NOT contain a ‘j’ as I once thought it did……….I mean, isn’t this what science does?  So why do some of us take such smugness in science?  I’ll tell you why:  We want something to believe in.  WE don’t know, and some of us, many of us desperately need think that SOMEONE knows. 


And not that I blame science – over time this unqualified adoration would bait out anyone’s ego and before long, blind trust so freely given becomes a given, an expectation.  And here we are.  Thinking things are ‘fact’, are ‘solid’, when we know good and well they aren’t.  But we don’t like the instability. We don’t want to think about it.  We prefer to believe.  And so we do.


But when we do, we rob ourselves of the Truth.  Science is just the act of trying to uncover the default patterns of these differentiations that have arisen in our awareness.  And so, in working within these default patterns, science can indeed be useful to a point.  They have collected the largest list of these attributes, even if they are constantly updating and changing their collection.


And we are bound by these default patterns as long as we see ourselves as we do.  But when we begin to grasp things differently, gaps in these default patterns oftentimes present themselves.  There seems to be a very specific ‘grip’ with which we must hold our perspective within.  It’s a very narrow ledge, as far as I have seen, easily overlooked and the slightest dip this way or that and you’re off it completely.  The gate is indeed narrow.  Everywhere but exactly ‘here’, and the default pattern prevails.            But through this tiny keyhole sometimes we may slip, and for just a moment we see these patterns break, and change.  And we call these events miracles.


How to keep your footing there, in this miracle zone, where you override these default patterns and consciously mold your experiences like clay?  THAT is the million dollar question.  Because otherwise, we feel helpless, swept along by the current of life that is too powerful to fight.  And yet, even in the midst of being swept along, we hear the Call, insisting that we don’t have to experience this in this way.  But how to extricate ourselves from this raging river?  DO we extricate ourselves, or do we instead rise up and walk  upon the waters that once batted us around?


Being caught between these worlds is an awful, restless place to be.  No where to place your foot, no where to lay your head and rest.  You’ve seen enough behind the curtain to know this Eden exists, but not enough to get there and stay there.  So, you sit, and watch the world unfurl like a Shakespearean play.  You see all the coincidences that are no coincidence.  You watch the rise and fall.  You hear the harmonics calling out to one another.  You see the shifting responses as we all dance together.  But you just can’t make yourself forget and slip back into the dream, though many times you think that would be the best thing to do.   At least by following the list of default patterns catalogued by science, you often get some sort of predictable results, as opposed to now, where desired results slips out of your hand just when you want it most, yet maddeningly  reappears when you least expect it. 


You wonder if you are playing with fire, and if you’ll get burned by what you have dragged into your consciousness.  You wonder if you are being a fool and imagining this all.  You wonder if you shouldn’t just succumb, and slip back into sleep with the rest, yet somehow, you just can’t.  So, you sit up and watch life go by like bad late-night TV, and the dark circles around your eyes are your badge to prove how you’ve watched one late show too many already.  They don’t even interest you. Their assertions irritate you, and in your weaker moments, frighten you.  But there’s nothing to do but watch alone, late into the night while all those around you sleep, because you can’t sleep anymore. 


You can’t take your antibiotics and pop your vitamin pills and buy into the dream of chasing wealth and power anymore.  You see nothing but the silliness in what is called education, and can no longer buy into that Pied Piper of a dream.  And you no longer picture anyone truly being separate from you anymore, even though many times you desperately wish so.  You see your hand, not only in your immediate world, but the collective world as well.  And so, you desperately want to find this keyhole, to place your foot upon this tiny wire to walk upon that leads to the world of creation, this Eden, so you may correct these once-oversights that have given rise to so much suffering and pain.  But where is this place?  Here and then not here.  Does it move about?  It is there where you least expect it, but often no where to be seen when you want it most.  How can this be?  It drives you nuts, though in moments of repose or transitional resignation, you note how it all seems to be self-correcting anyhow, but much like placing your hand on a hot stove will teach you not to do that anymore.  So, the lessons will be learned, but you long to learn, to teach, by SEEING.  By looking within, instead of projecting it outward to learn on the Big Screen we call Life, by removing the barriers within so we may know it without having to experience it, to demonstrate it to ourselves.


Because this is undoubtedly why there are so many instances that we desperately want to change that we just can’t seem to budge no matter what we do – it’s because they are the fulfillment, the showing, the demonstration or acting out of something else we have harmonically called to us to see, and these are often hard lessons, which is why they often manifest in such unpleasant ways.  But by ‘hard’, I mean they are in conflict with our current beliefs, and so not easily dislodged, unless a veritable landslide sweeps them away in it’s destruction.  And this is why we have our destructions, and seem helpless to stop them.  One cannot stop something unless they see it’s true root.  You can only consciously affect what you truly consciously know.  And we rarely know the root of our misery and distress, and so the lesson is painfully presented on the Big Screen of Life, sometimes repeatedly, until we do see, because nothing gets our attention like pain.  Even if it seems to be the pain of a supposed ‘other’, it is still effective in out empathy and sympathy for them.  And it though it seems cruel, in the highest sense, it is actually  us that is suffering, for we share awareness, oneness, with this other seeming entity.  They are us, looking out another window, through another pair of eyes. 


A top cannot spin unless it is placed and balanced directly on it’s tiniest point, and once there it cannot rest, but must be in constant movement to stay upright.  And this Miracle Zone is like this top.  There are lots of other places to be, but none of them will allow you this spin, save one.  The tiniest spot.  The least likely looking place that would allow one to remain upright.  But there it is.  Only on this tiny tip do we spin.  Only where standing upright would seem impossible, do we gather the ability to stand upright.  No where else works.  No where. 


And it is a combination of this sweet spot AND this action – an action that would seem to make it less likely for you to remain upright.  I mean, stand upon this tiny spot and then SPIN to remain erect?  You would assume you would fall, that you would need bracing in order to remain erect perched upon this tiniest of places.  But no.  This is how it happens. 


So, sometimes we find the spot, but do not spin.  And so it does not happen.  And sometimes we spin, but we are still lying on our sides and so our spin finds no balance, no velocity and is short lived.  You must have both.  At the same time.  Otherwise the default pattern maintains it’s rule, and the default pattern says that tops not spinning lay inertly on their side.


We must find this point, this tiny point, and then we must combine it with this action and balance.  And when it does, a top does what it is intended to do.  It spins.


The more we realize that we are this top, the closer we come to acting like what we are.  We thought we were paperweights, and for all practical purposes, have lived our lives this way.  But we aren’t.


We are much more.


I offer you these thoughts for your consideration.